Annika Tetzner
Annika Tetzner



Annika Tetzner

I am a child survivor of the Holocaust, born in Praha, now living in Jerusalem, Israel. Most of the time I write books for both children and adults, about the Holocaust. I am also a member of The Israeli International Association for professional artist with exhibitions in Israel and Europe.


Annika Tetzner is a Czech born artist and writer who currently resides in Israel. Her maternal relatives were from Teplice. Annika is the only surviving member of those who resided in Europe during the Second World War. She is a child survivor of both Terezin, Birkenau and Mauthausen.

The majority of Annika’s work is rendered in acrylic paint on canvas, but she also utilizes charcoal, pencil, pen and ink, collage and gold leaf. A major exhibition under the title “The Valley of Death,” was held in the Chamber of Holocaust, Mt. Zion, Jerusalem, for 3 ½ years. Several later works, also included in this exhibition, were on display for a month at Neveh Shalom Synagogue in the United States. Currently an exhibition of her original illustrations for her series of children’s books, entitled “The Red Ribbon,” is at the Jewish Museum in Prague in conjunction with the publication of the book through Portal Press. Her art resides in private collections in the United States, the Netherlands, Norway and Israel, including some governmental offices in both continents. A number of museums and galleries in Europe and the United States have expressed interest in mounting future shows.

I cannot remember exactly when I understood what it meant to be born a Jew. That most of what happened to me was because I was a Jew. In the same way,I cannot remember exactly the day I understood that the small shapes on paper was a language to be understood.That it was letters so neatly lined up on the white paper and kept between two covers,just like the Jews in ghetto and Lager. To be able to read and write has always been a sort of mystery to me.But deep inside,I have always recognized the power of knowing to read and write,and has become as important to me as life itself. A burden often,but also a source of joy.The search for answers has been like stumbling along a unknown uphill road.But as time has passed ,the road itself became the answer. It has become important to make clear that the children of Holocaust was more than just numbers and statistics.We were ordinary children with the same dreams and hopes as children today. Lullabies for Annika was written in hope that the readers will be able to acknowledge that.Much of what is told,really events.The rest could have happened.


I was born in Praha as the youngest child in a Jewish family. My mother's family was Czech, my father's Austrian. The family was deported in August 1942 to Therezienstadt Ghetto in Czechoslovakia. In October 1944, most of the family was deported to Birkenau October 1944. I was the only member of the family to survive the Holocaust. After some years in DP camps in Germany, I was sent to Norway where I grew up in a foster family. After finishing school, and a period of working, I spent a year in Israel. Returning to Norway, I married and together my husband and I raised five children. After my husband passed away, I completed my University degrees. Finally in 1991, I returned to Israel and settled in Jerusalem Most of my years here, I have been wring books both for children and adults, mostly about the Holocaust. I am also a recognized artist. Some of my works are sold to private collectors mostly, in Both USA and Europe. I have also exhibited in Israel and Europe. At present time I have exhibitions in Czech Republic. Others are planned in Europe and USA as well.

Annika Tetzner
ANNIKA TETZNER Info 19.11.13.pdf
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